Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How can I attend an evaluation?
Go to, search for the evaluation you would like to attend and sign-up for the activity. It’s free!
Who can attend evaluations?
All students of Creative Technology! Of course, you should be enrolled in the module that is being evaluated.
What do I get in return for attending evaluations?
We will provide lunch for during the evaluation. Next to that your feedback will improve your own education.
What will be done with the information gathered at the evaluation?
The information is passed on to the module coordinator so he or she can solve problems which arise during the module. Next to that it is used to improve the module for the upcoming years. At last it is send to the OLC, a committee in charge of selecting the courses within CreaTe, so they can determine if a module should change or not. See also our Organization Chart.
Is the CREEC a committee of Proto?
No. CREEC is an independent committee, working for the Education Committee (OLC) of Creative Technology. See also our Organization Chart.
I have another question about the CREEC, but it's not in here!
You can always contact us with your questions or approach us personally!